I figured out something today about the best clients I love to work with. They all have some very specific traits in common that have nothing to do with the industry they’re in, how much money they’re making, or whether they’re men or women. I did a two-hour Make Some Room Rendezvous this morning with […]
Forty feet out of my comfort zone
This weekend was a weekend to push me out of my comfort zone – WAY out. Specifically, it pushed me about 40 feet out. Here’s the deal: Ever since Nelson and I met, we’ve talked about wanting to live in the mountains. Even before we met, I wanted to live on a lot of land, […]
In this disposable society, take a walk in my (worn-out) shoes
In the last few years, I’ve been on a mission to wear things out. And I’ve done a great job, if I may be so bold in saying so. Several pairs of pants, plenty of shoes, some purses and bags, office supplies, and even some of my very limiting beliefs about myself… My focus now […]
The Perfect Puzzle
It’s a perfect puzzle mystery. If you’ve been a reader for any amount of time here, you probably know I have a bit of a love affair with coffee. So much so that a few of my Christmas gifts revolved around coffee beans and coffee brewers. Even sitting here now, I have a steaming cup […]
Make a difference (a.k.a. that light in your eyes)
A couple of Fridays ago, I had the opportunity to make a huge difference in the lives of a small group of people. There’s a certain light people get in their eyes when they’ve discovered something that changes everything (even something simple that impacts their day-to-day routines). Julie LaChance of RMS Solutions, Inc. and I […]
XYZ already
I started the “alphabet series” of email notes on a whim a few months ago. The goal was just challenge me to think creatively with a little bit of structure. And I have to admit that it did…and I’m completely over it now. So, today’s note is XYZ and we’re done already. Here’s what I […]