Ah, New Year’s resolutions. Seems like everyone is talking about them. And we know the common thought about them: Most people abandon them by the end of January. Others simply swear off making any resolutions at all. What if instead of resolutions, I told you how I get stuff done? See, instead of making resolutions, […]
My New Year’s gift to you!
Nelson and I just got home from a week’s holiday in Virginia visiting family and friends. We also drove to our favorite town in the Virginia mountains with plans to go hiking and check out the wild ponies at Grayson Highlands State Park. Friday night we checked into the cutest little hostel in downtown Damascus […]
Since the world didn’t end
So, you might have noticed the world didn’t actually end last week. I think that’s just great. And I bet you do, too. And since the world didn’t end, have you thought at all about what you’re going to do with all this time you’ve been gifted? I know one of my clients is cleaning […]
Santa Crazy!
So, the weirdest thing just happened to me. Santa called and said he wanted to talk to me about his business. Seriously. He said he’d heard that I could help him be less crazy before and after the Christmas rush. That I could help him find time. And help the business of toy giving to […]
TV Star in the Making
I’ll admit it…I was a tiny bit nervous about interviewed for a television show. Would I know what to say? What if I accidentally said a swear word? And the important stuff – what to wear? Makeup? I don’t really “do” a lot of makeup. I did go get a haircut. And I didn’t wear […]
How do you want to feel?
I’m feeling better, thanks for asking! The doc said it might not have been the flu. Could have been a bronchial virus. The solution? Rest. And rest I did! Enough about me. Let’s talk about you. How are YOU feeling these days? Are you feeling like the half-dozen business owners I’ve met recently? Each of […]