For the last few days, I’ve been hacking, coughing, and wheezing. Throw in a fever and aches and pains and I have to admit – dang it! I’ve got the flu. I honestly thought it was just a head cold at first. I tried to keep a regular schedule and then **pow** it’s like I […]
The Moment She Said It, Everything Made Sense
When I met “Barbara” two weeks ago, she pointed right at me and said, “Angie Mattson, people keep telling me I need to meet you!” I network a lot (probably too much) so this isn’t an unusual occurrence. We scheduled a meeting and went on about our merry way. This week, we had our chance […]
The Beastly Story of Disorganization
Over the weekend, Nelson and I saw two movies. The first was the magnificent Beasts of the Southern Wild. The second was the fantastical story Life of Pi. Both movies left me nearly speechless. After watching Life of Pi, I couldn’t talk for several hours because I was so touched by the story. I just kept feeling like I […]
An Invitation and a Question
Scroll down for the invitation I’ve been promising…but first… I want to contrast a couple of conversations I’ve had with business owners in the last few weeks. The conversations say a lot about the success or struggle a business owner will face today and in the future. The first scene is this: two business partners […]
How different do you want things to be?
For the last couple weeks, I’ve been meeting with “Ron.” Ron’s business is growing quickly. He’s seeing his To Do list increase and he’s feeling his overwhelm beginning to creep upwards. He’d been managing to run his business by “making it up as he went along” but knew it wasn’t really working anymore. He was […]
Is a 95 percent reduction in email even possible? Monday Mojo # 4
Doing this one thing will help you get more done, create more time, and feel more in control. When you “churn” you falter. When you hedge, you lose ground. But when you are decisive, you move forward with ACTION. If you can do this, it will change your life and your business. In this fourth […]