Yesterday, I was sorting through quite a backlog of snail mail. Lots of junk, too many credit card offers (feh!), and a bill or two. My favorite part of the mail is getting magazines. I don’t subscribe to many, but I love the ones I get. Inc. Magazine, Mother Earth News, Fast Company, and Our […]
17 days and 225 miles on the Colorado River – Grand Canyon
I’m back! Honestly, though, I’m back physically, but mentally I’m somewhere else entirely. In case you’re new here or you hadn’t heard, I just finished a 17 day, 225 mile, self-supported rafting trip in the Grand Canyon with 16 other people. Trying to process the last three weeks is going to take some time. Some […]
Luscious strawberries or a Smushy Mess?
This morning, I harvested almost 2 gallons of strawberries from my little garden patch. The other day, I harvested a gallon. A couple days before that, my boyfriend Nelson probably ate a pint standing out there and brought a pint in. With all the rain we’ve been having, the garden is making fruit like never […]
Wine snob, coffee snob, what kind of snob are you?
I confess: I’m a total coffee snob. It’s gotten so bad that I can’t even stomach gas station or diner-type coffee anymore. Mediocre. Drinkable, maybe. But completely not worth it. Now, I go all out. Organic, fair-trade beans. Organic half and half. I even use non-bleached filters (because bleach is bad!). I have a small, […]
The story behind the “Myth of Perfection”
Today I was hoping to make a grand announcement that my second book is published and ready for purchase! And it is…except I’m having an issue with the size of the photos I uploaded for the “About the Book” section. The photos are BIG. Like almost life-sized. My head is gigantic (but thankfully so is […]
Rapid toggling between tasks
So today I read that rapid toggling between tasks is a bad thing (and even anticipating having to do this is bad). What exactly is “rapid toggling between tasks?” Attending a networking event, listening to a speaker, and checking email on your smartphone under the table Walking on the street, checking email on your smartphone, […]