Late last week one of my former clients emailed me to share an example of some great customer service she’d received. This client is a CPA and this time of year, she is buried in taxes. Busy. Craaaazy busy. Her car had been hit by another driver. She took the car to a local body […]
Business Systems & Processes
A pair of flip flops and a phone
I’ve discovered And it’s both wonderful and addictively easy. See, my mom bought me the cutest pair of shoes for Christmas. I had asked for them after seeing them in a store a month or so earlier. I emailed over my Christmas list with the direct link to the shoes on so “Santa” […]
Are you a Spasmodic Hercules?
I guess I start with, “What exactly is a Spasmodic Hercules?” A Spasmodic Hercules is someone who: Has no systems or uses them sporadically (occasionally, inconsistently, in fits and starts) Doesn’t quite “get” organization and how to do it Feels stress and anxiety over lack of said organization and systems Feels the pressure building and tries […]
So easy even my kitten can do it
My new kitten’s name is Hobbes. He’s learning to navigate the world that is my house, which includes two very large labs who have never really had contact with a cat before. It’s been…interesting. So far, the kitten is still alive and the dogs are getting less and less interested in the furry orange streak […]
What’s your version of being an “Organizational Yoda?”
Yesterday, one of my readers emailed me and said: Good morning, Angie! Thanks, as always, for making things so clear, and stating them so succinctly. Your blog made me think of this scene from Star Wars. You are the organizational Yoda!!! 🙂 I love hearing stuff like this. It makes me all shiny and happy. And […]
How often do you “try?”
Ah, New Year’s resolutions. Seems like everyone is talking about them. And we know the common thought about them: Most people abandon them by the end of January. Others simply swear off making any resolutions at all. What if instead of resolutions, I told you how I get stuff done? See, instead of making resolutions, […]