Recently, I heard a great interview on NPR with Chris Rock (the straight-talking, tell-it-like-it-is comedian). He was pretty funny, even for the fairly serious NPR format. At least, he was funny until the interviewer brought up a comment he made about being in comedy for 30 years. The interviewer pondered, “At this point in his […]
Time Management & Productivity
Talk is cheap (Day 15 of 31 Days of Organizing)
I was reminded recently about a marketing study on laundry detergent where researchers discovered something amazing about people: feeling clean was more important to people than being clean. As long as their laundry detergent made their clothes look and feel clean, people were happy. They didn’t even care about scientific studies that showed one detergent […]
#UNPLUG (Day 12 of 31 Days of Organizing)
My favorite part of snail mail is getting magazines. I don’t subscribe to many, but I love the ones I get: Inc. Magazine, Mother Earth News, Fast Company, and Our State. It was the July/August 2013 cover of Fast Company that grabbed my attention: #UNPLUG: My life was crazy. So I disconnected for 25 days. […]
Getting organized is work (Day 4 of 31 Days of Organizing)
A reader asked, “How do I handle mail and all the resulting clutter? I mean, I open it, but it still needs to be handled and I can’t do it right then. What do I do with it until I can get to it?” This is such a great question because so many people struggle […]
Two minutes now (Day 3 of 31 Days of Organizing)
How many times have you left the house and realized you forgot something? Or how many times have you searched high and low for something and wasted 10, 20, or even 45 minutes looking for it? Today in 31 Days of Organizing, I’m going to talk about the power of routines and the magic of […]
It’s easier to keep up than to catch up (Day 2 of 31DoO)
Over the past couple weeks in social media land, I asked for specifics about where you are struggling with organization, time management, and/or prioritization so I could speak directly to your issues during our 31 Days of Organizing together. One reader wrote, “I struggle with prioritization when it comes to organization. Where do I start?” […]