Have you ever seen a little kid fighting with another little kid over a toy? They push and pull and play a really bratty version of “keep away.” There might be yelling, screaming, or even an epic temper tantrum. At some point, an adult will intervene. One or both kids get a stern talking-to. “You […]
Word Design: the art of making information functional and attractive
They say you only have one chance to make a first impression. In this interview, I’m speaking to Jenni Miehle of Word Design. Jenni’s business (and skillset) are VERY unique: she makes information functional and attractive. Jenni is a graphic designer – with a twist. She calls herself an “information designer.” While she can do logos, her […]
Why the short-term stuff is easy
One of my favorite “thinkers” out there is Seth Godin. He’s written 18 or 19 books by now. And I’m going to share (in its entirety) one of his recent blogs (he blogs a lot, way more than me. Probably daily. But his blogs are usually pretty short. Heh.). Seth says: “The short-term stuff is […]
If busy is lazy, then focused is…
On my travels hither and yon in the car, I’m listening to a book by Rolf Potts called Vagabonding. As I desire to become a vagabond in the next couple of years, I am completely in love with this book. Now, most of this fabulous book focuses on travel, but one particular quote by Tim […]
Baby steps and focus
So you know I just published my third book, right? Several people have asked me how I’m able to write so much, so often, for these eNotes and still publish three books (with another one on the way this winter). My reply? Baby steps and focus. The baby steps are showing up each day to […]
May I have your attention, please?
I spent some time reading yesterday afternoon in a coffee shop. There were two pretty meaty articles I’d printed out and I needed some time and space to settle in to read them with full attention. After I ordered my iced coffee and found out they had gluten-free ginger cookies (sold!), I settled into a […]