Over the years, I feel like I’ve seen every way that disorganization can cost a business time and money. Nothing surprises me anymore and when I talk with business owners, I always let them know they are in a “no judgment” zone with me and my team. So, take these examples as what they are […]
Monkey Mind – Part Deux
Part of my mission at Your Organized Guide (even from way back to 2003 when I started Mattson Business Services, Inc.), my goal was to help my clients get out of overwhelm. Months ago, I wrote about overwhelm and the rewards of letting of letting our Monkey Mind run loose. I want to talk about […]
Optimizing Business Processes Reduces Errors, Increases Revenues, Creates Happy Clients and Employees
Optimizing business processes sounds like a really dry topic, doesn’t it? Let me tell you a story to illustrate what it really means: in the land of accountants, a “shoebox” client is one who walks in with a very disorganized wad of receipts and papers that have been stuffed into a shoebox. (Go ahead – […]
5 Productivity Secrets You May Laugh At
If you google the word “productivity” you’ll get a gazzillion pages of advice. Interestingly, though, I found that the secret to being very productive isn’t on many of those pages. In fact, it isn’t about doing more, better – it’s something else entirely. And I got a one-two punch reminder recently. Yesterday, I was talking […]
How Your Subconsious Affects Your Ability to Get Organized
You might be shaking your head and asking yourself, “What the heck does my subconscious have to do with getting organized?’ Isn’t getting organized about matching folders, neat labels, keeping like with like, and having a clean desktop? Doesn’t organization start and end with good habits using a calendar, To Do list, and the smart […]
Forget Activity – Focus on Results First
You want the next tip or idea on how to get organized. You want ways to make your life easier, to be more productive, or to simply stop procrastinating and “get things done.” May I suggest a better use of your time? Start with focusing on results. Yes, it’s as simple as that. Get really, […]