Last year when my husband and I rafted all 149 miles of the French Broad River from Rosman, NC to Newport, TN in 13 days, we were mostly unsupported. We experienced tons of river magic from lovely people, but no one gave us more help than a guy we met in Asheville named “Davewave.” Davewave […]
Day 9: An ode to toes (31 Notes from Nature)
Serious question: have you ever stopped and looked at your toes? For the majority of us, we’ve got 10. Some cats have many more (they are called polydactyl). We mostly don’t notice them unless they’re painted up pretty or we painfully jam them against something hard. Odd things, our toes. And – have you ever […]
Day 8: Whatever the weather (31 Notes from Nature)
I am a bit obsessed with the weather. I don’t much care what’s it is doing, but I do like to watch it happen. Is there a storm coming? You’ll find me out on the porch or pressed up against a window waiting and watching. There’s snow in the forecast? I am almost beside myself […]
Day 7: Relax your body (31 Notes from Nature)
There’s this thing I do when I’m sitting. I didn’t realize I was doing it until someone sitting across from me asked me about it. She said, “Do you know you’re sitting there with your shoulders hunched up to your ears?” I immediately dropped my shoulders and said, “Nope. I did not realize I was […]
Day 6: It’s so fluffy! (31 Notes from Nature)
Anyone who knows me knows I have a love affair going with my orange cat Hobbes. He bring me so much joy that I fear my heart might explode if I think about it too much. There’s something about our furry and fluffy friends that just opens our hearts. Their unconditional love (well, as long […]
Day 5: Earthing (31 Notes from Nature)
When was the last time you walked barefoot outside? Can you remember it? More importantly, do you remember how you felt when you did it? Were you paying attention? There’s a practice called “earthing” that invites people to remove their shoes and walk barefoot in the dirt, sand, grass (or on any natural substrate). This practice […]