I know you say it. I know I catch myself my saying it, even though it’s one of my pet peeves: “I’m so busy!” Part of my Make Some Room Manifesto contains “bad words.” The part of my Manifesto related to “being busy” is intentionally provocative: Busy is a bullshit word. Choose to say something […]
Mind full or mindful? Day 8 of 31 Days of Organizing
For this week’s worth of 31 Days of Organizing, we’re going to go inside…inside our heads. Let’s get introspective! There’s a beautiful illustration I love (though I don’t know the original source of it nor the illustrator’s name). It’s called Mind full or Mindful? and I feel it speaks to each and every one of […]
Useful and beautiful? (Day 7 of 31 Days of Organizing)
One of my favorite quotes in the world: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” (by William Morris) This quote makes my heart sing. I find it the perfect instruction for anyone struggling with clutter – I mean, how nicer can it get than […]
Too much stuff (Day 6 of 31 Days of Organizing)
I spent Thanksgiving weekend with my family at a state park in South Carolina. We rented a cabin (it was more like a duplex), went skeet shooting, and learned a bit of archery (I hit the target once – yay me!). At one point, my sister’s boyfriend and I were sitting in the living room […]
Organizing papers and piles (Day 5 of 31 Days of Organizing)
I was helping a first-time client with organizing papers, piles, and cleaning out his office. On day one, I always want a tour of what’s in the office, on the shelves, in the desk, and in any closets. A tour lets me know what I’m getting into and gives me clues about a client’s state of mind. As […]
Getting organized is work (Day 4 of 31 Days of Organizing)
A reader asked, “How do I handle mail and all the resulting clutter? I mean, I open it, but it still needs to be handled and I can’t do it right then. What do I do with it until I can get to it?” This is such a great question because so many people struggle […]