I’ve worked with lots of small business owners over the years, so I wrote up this list of 10 ways to get organized to help you. Make them work for you! There is no ‘one way’ to organize an office – the system that works for me might not work for you! Being organized doesn’t […]
Getting Organized Yields Real Results
Getting organized provides concrete time, money, and frustration savings. You can get a process or system organized to make more money as well. This works for solopreneurs, consultants and small businesses. Either alone or working with a team, you’ll realize numerous benefits through getting organized.
Virtual Organizing
This morning’s exercise was so fun! Nope, I didn’t go running. Or biking. Or kayaking. In fact, I never even left my office. What kind of exercise did I do? I virtually organized a home-based business owner’s office. Yes. Virtually. This particular business owner lives in Louisiana. she’d commented a few times on Twitter and […]
The Real Secret to Getting Things Done
I’m going to let you in on a little secret about why you, Mr. or Ms. Business Owner, seem unable to get much accomplished these days… Are you ready? Are you sure you want to hear it…? The answer: you’re doing so many other things that half the time you can’t even GET STARTED. It’s […]
Give your team members the gift of delegation
I was reading a blog post recently by coach Melanie Benson Strick. In this post, she outlines 10 ways that business owners become “the Bottleneck” and speedbump in their business. They can’t grow because they won’t let go. This got me thinking about a couple of recent interactions I’ve had with clients and their administrative […]
How You Can Afford to Delegate
As a business owner, are you struggling with a to-do list a mile long? Are you constantly searching for lost files, returning calls and trying to figure out how to create a decent looking PowerPoint presentation for tomorrow’s meeting – often all at the same time? Consider this: what if you could hand off the […]