Carolyn is an overwhelmed small business owner. She’s juggling a dozen clients who each have specific needs, deadlines, and expectations. Unfortunately, Carolyn hasn’t ever sat down to prioritize her client list. I know, I know – “My clients are all equally important,” you say. And in a sense, that’s true. But let’s also look at […]
Your Invisible Administrative Assistant
John is a successful small business owner, and like many other small business owners, he wears a lot of hats. John has taken things one step further and has hired an assistant, Jane. He’s heard over and over that there are “non-income-producing tasks” that he shouldn’t be doing. Interestingly, despite his new hire, John is […]
I use the word “Crap” for a reason
Most times, small business owners call me and exclaim breathlessly, “You’ve got to help me get organized!” And it’s true – they are overwhelmed. Buried in papers, files, mail (e- and snail), cords, computer parts, books, newspapers, magazines, and more. And each person wants to launch into “getting organized” by grabbing a trash bag, walking […]
The Easiest Way to Get Organized
Jean is a firecracker of a woman – smart, funny, and really damn good at her job. She’s filled with gratitude to be able to work because an illness a few years ago made her so sick she could barely get out of bed. As Jean recovered from illness over the last two years, she […]
Don’t Be a Cog
About 3 years ago, I started on a quest to change my business and myself. In reality, I was fine and my business was chugging along fine, but I was restless. Unsatisfied. Cranky. I started my business in 2003 because I very tired of the 9-to-5 grind. I was tired of the kind of jobs […]
Systems aren’t Sexy – But They are Effective
Recently, I met a businesswoman who is, to put it mildly, vastly disorganized. She spends considerable time on manual and repetitive data entry. She’s drowning in email inquiries. She spends a lot of time telling story after story to prove herself “right.” And unfortunately, she continues to be drawn to sexy “time saving” software that […]